Young Person- Case Study
CS has been attending Saturday Challenge for over 3 years, CS was referred by his social worker, to help him with his social isolation, CS has been diagnosed with autism and anxiety, and was struggling with his diagnosis and how that was impacting on his life. He attended the initial sessions with his worker, and together we completed his additional needs form, putting a plan in place to support him attending the group on his own.
CS to his surprise soon made friends and started to not sit on the side but join in with the activities, making arrangements to travel to the group with other members, this was a huge step.
The group regularly set challenges for each term, we support each member to set achievable challenges, and at the beginning and end of each session as a group we discuss how everyone is getting on with their challenge.
CS made a challenge to try out new activities, he took part in a yoga and meditation taster session, he then went on to find yoga sessions that he could attend in addition to attending Saturday Challenge. CS interest in Yoga has gone from strength to strength, and he asked if he could share is learning with the group. We have now embedded skills sharing into each term and Cs now delivers yoga taster sessions to the group and has recently done a public taster session as part of local community summer fair.
Mark Bailey- Trafford Children's Rights Service Manager
GHS currently work with care leavers as they are commissioned to run our aftercare forum. They have done some amazing work with the young people in the group. They have developed their confidence, skills and attitudes to a point where they can help me train other professionals. They are very flexible and always deliver.
They are young person focussed. This is due to the great team Caroline has assembled. It is also due to her leadership by example. This has created a caring, can do culture who are always ready to go the extra mile if required. If you ask any of their service users you would get a glowing report about GHS. Young people in care who spend time at Gorse Hill have requested that their social workers spend time there so they can see how they should work with young people. I think this is the ultimate compliment.
Enjoyed this a lot, she’s learnt so much. Gained confidence in so many areas, like cooking, arts, cultures. Really enjoyed ourselves. Thanks you so much for everything.
Head Teacher
The ACE provision our young people have received is outstanding with 1-1 bespoke packages to cater for their learning & emotional needs. ACE empowers in a safe space.