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Counselling Service

Gorse Hill Studios has a counsellor available for fully funded Face-to-Face sessions every Wednesday evening and Thursday daytime.


Click here for our online referral form. 


For more information email


Our counsellor will work with you to support you while you navigate big life changes or if you need a neutral person to discuss a challenging topic or experience.


It is natural to seek support for both big and small issues, or when you are just not feeling like yourself.


Going to therapy is a positive decision!


A request for counselling does not show weakness, it shows that you are taking action and looking for change. Knowing when to ask for help is a strength.


What you tell us is confidential unless you disclose serious risk to yourself or others. What you discuss is between you and the counsellor, it’s part of what makes therapy such an effective tool for change and healing.


Our counsellor is not here to give you advice or solutions to your problems. Instead, with support, the counsellor will help you build trust in yourself so that some of your problems can be dealt with more easily.


You are the only person who really knows how you feel.

Only you can decide how and who you should be.


Counselling gives you a chance to feel heard and understood in a space free from judgement. The counsellor will create a safe space for your thoughts to be free, helping you to get in touch with your feelings so that you can talk without fear about the things that are troubling you.


Get in touch to find out whether this service may be of help to you at this moment in your life.


Start with an introduction session with the counsellor then decide if it is something you want to continue.


For more information or to refer yourself or a young person just email

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